Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service
for China and China in Comparative Studies
2018 Post-Dialogue Forum
9:30-16:00 Saturday 8 December
Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT), SOAS, Torrington Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 0XG
With the spread of globalization, achievements in China studies around the world have attracted increasing attention. The Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service Forum on China and China in Comparative Studies will involve leading Chinese academic publishers, librarians, scholars, study centres and internationally known social scientists, discussing how China’s academic publishing can gain international recognition, how China studies and comparative studies on China are developing in the world and digital solutions for knowledge management and academic collaboration. It is hoped this will make cross-faculty, cross-institute or even cross-country academic cooperation more effective, promoting and enhancing the influence of academic knowledge acquisition and dissemination.
- Global China Academy, UK
- The Lau China Institute, King’s College London, UK
- The China Media Centre, University of Westminster, UK
- National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), China.
Languages: English and Chinese
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Opening session
Chair:Dr Dongning Feng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics; former Chair of the Centre for Translation Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK
Greetings (5 minutes each):
- Mr XIANG Xiaowei, Minister-Counsellor, Culture Office, Chinese Embassy to the UK
- Professor ZHU Guanglei, Vice-President of Nankai University; Vice-President of the Chinese Association of Political Science, China
10:15-11:30 Panel I Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service by CNKI
Speakers (12 minutes each):
- A comparative and comprehensive search on the theme ‘Chinese civilisation comparison’ in some digital databases in the West and CNKI, Mrs Ingrid Cranfield, Vice-President of Global China Academy; President and Principal Editor of Global Century Press:
- Chengdu's historical and cultural heritage and interpretation of civilization: An application of CNKI resource, Dr ZHAO Shu, Associate Professor of Department of Teaching and Research for Society Building, Chengdu Institute of Public Administration (CIPA), China
- Academic development of Chinese philosophical social sciences in the past decade from the literature big data (2006-2015), Ms FENG Qi, General Manager, Global China Studies Division, CNKI, Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd. China
- Knowledge Service and Management for Chinese Philosophical Social Sciences,Mr XIAO Hong, General Manager and Principal Editor, CNKI, Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd., China
Discussion, Q&A
11:30-11:45 Coffee/tea break
11:45-13:00 Panel II Chinese academic and cultural publication in a global community
Chair:Professor JIN Wei, School of Marxism at Wuhan University, China; Visiting Fellow at Lau China Institute, King's College of London, UK
Speakers (12 minutes each):
- An Analysis of the Measurement and Improvement Path of Chinese Culture’s International Influence, Professor LIN Jian, Principal Editor of the Journal of Renmin University of China; Research Fellow of The National Academy of Development and Strategy (NADS), Renmin University of China
- Integration and Open: Knowledge management and service of overseas Chinese and Chinese research under the background of global Chinese studies, Professor SHI Xiaojun, Director of Jinan University Library; Former Chief Editor of Jinan University Press
- Academic Publishing Experiences with China and the Vision of ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ on International Publishing Cooperation, Mrs Mengdi Turbutt-Cai, Publisher and Director for Paths International, a British academic publisher in the UK
- Translating Chinese Knowledge to the Globe: the Case of Intellect China Library, Mr Mark Lewis, Managing Director of Intellect and Chair of the Intellect China Library; Dr Hiu Man Chan, Series Editor of the Intellect China Library, and Researcher in creative industries collaboration between the UK and China.
Discussion, Q&A
13:00-13:50 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Panel III Academic research, knowledge services and digital publishing
Chair: Dr Baozhen Luo, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Western Washington University, USA
Speakers (12 minutes each):
- How Research are Funded in Social Science? An Exploratory Study, Dr Narisong Huhe, Lecturer, Department of Politics, School Of Government And Public Policy, University of Strathclyde, UK
- The journal of Northeast Asia Forum promotes regional cooperation research in Northeast Asia, Dr Xu Jia, Vice-Principal Editor of Northeast Asia Forum, Jilin University, China
- Theme distribution and knowledge production in China's IR journals, Professor CHEN Zhirui, Executive Editor of Foreign Affairs Review, China Foreign Affairs University, China
- The Construction of Global Academic Resources Supporting Academic Research: A Case of the Global Academic Express, Ms GUAN Xiaolan, Deputy General Manager, International Division, CNKI, Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd. China
Discussion, Q&A
15:15-16:00 Closing panel China in the UK media and libraries, the impact of Chinese academic publishing on China and the world
Chair: Professor Hugo de Burgh, The China Media Centre, University of Westminster, UK
Speakers (8 minutes each):
- How do Western media report China, how do Westerners perceive China? Duncan Bartlett, Editor of Asian Affairs magazine; former presenter of World Business Report on the BBC World Service, UK
- A hidden treasure in university internationalization: Chinese studies libraries, Dr Mamtimyn Sunuodula, Head of East Asia and HD Chung Chinese Studies Librarian, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, UK
- Introduction of the Contemporary Chinese Social life Archive Alliance (CCSLAA),Professor Letian Zhang, Director of Research Centre for Social and Cultural Anthropology, and Director of the Contemporary China Social Life Archive and Research Centre (CCSLC), Fudan University, China; Chinese President of Global China Academy, UK
- Globalization of Chinese social sciences and the publication of the ‘globalization of Chinese social sciences book series’ in English and Chinese dual languages,Professor Xiangqun Chang, President of Global China Academy; Editor-in-Chief of the Global Century Press; Honorary Professor of University College London, UK
Related info
1. Global China Dialogue Website (English-Chinese)
2. Global China Dialogue V Webpage
3. Pre-Global China Dialogue V event Webpage
4. Post-Global China Dialogue V event Webpage
- This is a free event, click HERE to register
- Also see Eventbrite: Click HERE
Contact Mr Yuyuan Zhang
12月8日 星期六 9:30-16:00
伦敦大学亚非学院 Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT), SOAS, Torrington Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 0XG
随着全球化的蔓延,中国研究的成果在国际上越来越受到关注。 “中国与中国比较研究学术出版和知识服务论坛”将邀请中国领先的学术出版社、图书馆员、学者、研究中心和国际知名的社会科学家,探讨中国的学术出版如何获得国际认可,中国研究和中国比较研究如何在世界范围内继续发展,以及知识管理和学术合作的数字化解决方案。希望本活动可以使跨机构、跨院校以至跨国范围内的学术合作更加有效,促进和增强学术知识获取和传播的影响力。
- 英国全球中国比较研究会
- 英国伦敦国王学院中国研究院
- 英国威斯敏斯特大学中国传媒中心
- 中国知网
09:30-10:00 注册
10:00-10:15 开幕
致辞 (每人5分钟):
- 项晓炜先生,中国驻英大使馆公使衔参赞
- 朱光磊教授,中国南开大学副校长,中国政治学学会副会长
10:15-11:30 版块一 中国知网的学术出版与知识服务
发言 (每人12分钟):
- 中国知网和部分西方数据库全面搜索之比较——以“中国文明比较”主题为例,英格丽·克兰菲尔德(Ingrid Cranfield)女士, 全球中国学术院副院长;环球世纪出版社社长兼编审
- 成都历史文化传承与文明演绎——知网资源应用示例,赵书博士,成都行政学院社会建设教研部副教授
- 从文献大数据看近十年中国哲学社会科学学术发展状况(2006-2015),冯齐女士,中国知网全球中国学研究事业部总经理
- 面向中国哲学社会科学领域的知识服务与管理,肖宏先生,中国知网编审,中国国际出版与发行本部总经理
11:30-11:45 茶歇
11:45-13:00 版块二 全球共同体中的中国学术与文化出版
发言 (每人12分钟):
- 中华文化国际影响力的衡量指标与提升路径分析,林坚教授,《中国人民大学学报》编审、国家发展与战略研究院研究员
- 融合与开放:全球中国学背景下华侨华人研究的知识管理与服务,史小军教授,暨南大学图书馆馆长
- 与中国学术出版合作的经验及国际出版合作“一带一路”的愿景,Mengdi Turbutt-Cai女士,英国帕斯国际出版公司(Paths International) 出版人和主任
- 将中国知识转化为全球:智力出版社中国图书馆案例,马克·刘易斯 (Mark Lewis)先生,智力出版社总经理,智力中国图书馆负责人;陈晓雯(Hiu Man Chan)博士,智力中国图书馆系列编辑,英中创意产业合作的研究员
13:00-13:50 午餐
14:00-15:15 版块三 学术研究、知识服务及数字出版
主持: 罗宝珍博士,美国西华盛顿大学人文与社会科学学院社会学系副教授
发言 (每人12分钟):
- 社会科学研究如何获得资助?一项探索性研究, 呼和那日松博士,英国思克莱德大学政府与政策学院政治系讲师
- 《东北亚论坛》助推东北亚区域合作研究,许佳博士,吉林大学《东北亚论坛》副编审
- 中国国际关系期刊的主题“云集”与知识生产,陈志瑞教授,中国外交学院《外交评论》执行主编
- 支持学术研究的全球学术资源建设——以《全球学术快报》为例,关晓岚女士,中国知网国际副总经理
15:15-16:00 闭幕版块 英国媒体和图书馆里的中国;中国学术出版对中国和全球的影响
主持: 戴雨果(Hugo de Burgh)教授,英国威斯敏斯特大学中国传媒中心主任
- 西方媒体如何报道中国,西方人怎样看待中国?邓肯·巴特利特 (Duncan Bartlett),《亚洲事务》政治月刊杂志总编;英国BBC前东亚记者
- 大学国际化中隐藏的宝藏:中国研究图书馆,苏诺 (Mamtimyn Sunuodula) 博士, 牛津大学博德利图书馆东亚及中国研究负责人
- 当代中国社会生活资料共建共享联盟簡介,张乐天教授, 中国复旦大学社会文化人类学研究中心主任; 当代社会生活资料研究中心主任;全球中国学术院中方院长
- 中国社会科学全球化与出版英汉双语的 “中国社会科学全球化系列丛书”,常向群教授,全球中国学术院院长,环球世纪出版社总编;伦敦大学学院荣誉教授
1. 全球中国对话网站(英汉双语)
2. 第五届全球中国对话网页
3. 第五届全球中国对话会前论坛网页
4. 第五届全球中国对话会后论坛网页
- 此活动为免费,点击这里注册
- 另见Eventbrte:点击这里
联系 张育源先生